Mark Twain
Mark Twain Cigars are accessible, enjoyable smokes for all cigar lovers! Named for the cigar loving writer who was not often seen without a cigar, these cigars are affordable, every day cigars made with high quality Nicaraguan tobacco fillers draped in a golden, silky smooth Connecticut shade wrapper for a mellow, yet flavorful smoking experience. You might look at the price and think, these can't be that great, but they are truly exceptional cigars for any price point. So enjoy a Mark Twain without feeling guilty, or feeling cheap!
And not only are Mark Twain cigars big on flavor, they are bigger than the average selection. Mark Twain No. 1 is a 7 x 50, Mark Twain No. 2 is 7 1/2 x 52, and Mark Twain No. 3 comes in at a hefty 8 x 54. So don't feel guilty picking up one of these classic boxes, each smoke sesh will last over an hour.
Mark Twain Cigars are accessible, enjoyable smokes for all cigar lovers! Named for the cigar loving writer who was not often seen without a cigar, these cigars are affordable, every day cigars made with high quality Nicaraguan tobacco fillers draped in a golden, silky smooth Connecticut shade wrapper for a mellow, yet flavorful smoking experience. You might look at the price and think, these can't be that great, but they are truly exceptional cigars for any price point. So enjoy a Mark Twain without feeling guilty, or feeling cheap!
And not only are Mark Twain cigars big on flavor, they are bigger than the average selection. Mark Twain No. 1 is a 7 x 50, Mark Twain No. 2 is 7 1/2 x 52, and Mark Twain No. 3 comes in at a hefty 8 x 54. So don't feel guilty picking up one of these classic boxes, each smoke sesh will last over an hour.