Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur
Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur Cigars, a premium line of cigars from the famous Hoyo de Monterrey Cigar family, is sure to give you the smoke of a lifetime.
These premium cigars have a rich, strong yet a creamy taste. Hoyo cigars range from mild- medium to full bodied, which makes them perfect to be accompanied with a fine beverage such as tea, rum, scotch or whiskey.
These high-quality cigars are manufactured in packs of 46 to 60. Hoyo Excaliburs are hand rolled, non-flavored cigars, which employ natural leafs for the wrapper ranging from Oscuro to double claro. Some of these parejo cigars are pressed, while some are not.
Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur Cigars, a premium line of cigars from the famous Hoyo de Monterrey Cigar family, is sure to give you the smoke of a lifetime.
These premium cigars have a rich, strong yet a creamy taste. Hoyo cigars range from mild- medium to full bodied, which makes them perfect to be accompanied with a fine beverage such as tea, rum, scotch or whiskey.
These high-quality cigars are manufactured in packs of 46 to 60. Hoyo Excaliburs are hand rolled, non-flavored cigars, which employ natural leafs for the wrapper ranging from Oscuro to double claro. Some of these parejo cigars are pressed, while some are not.